Curriculum vitae



Cornell University 2021-2023

Master of Science in Advanced Architecture Design and Computer Graphics

Graduate Committee: Jenny Sabin (Cornell AAP), Steve Marschner (Cornell CS)

Harvard University 2020

Computer Science CS50 Courses 2021

Sichuan University 2015-2020

Bachelor of Architecture


Recreate Games - Party Animals Technical Artist 2023

  • Research on balancing efficiency and quality of the fluid and particle simulation in Unity and Unreal Engine

Jenny Sabin Studio - ChromaFold Technical HCI Designer 2022-2023

  • Coordinate with designers and electrical engineers and clients

  • Program an interactive system triggered by an Arduino circuit board

Aphelion Game Studio - Aphelion Defense Technical Artist 2023

  • Coordinate with teammates from coding, design, UX research, and project management background

  • Ensure the implementation, efficiency, and quality of art assets in the game engine by coordinating designers and programmers

  • Write shading language in-game engine and implement concept art style in-game

Startup Company - UX Designer 2023

  • Coordinate with soft engineers, web developers, and project managers.

  • Conduct target user research and generate a ChatGPT-based UX design on both the mobile end and web end.


Cornell AAP - AI Assembly - Research Lead 2022-2023

  • Apply computer vision to analyze the imagery information captured by the camera, use machine learning, object recognition, classification and tracking, and AR display techniques guiding and boosting any assembly process with users

Cornell AAP - RhinoCircular - Research Assistant & Software Developer 2022

  • Develop a C#-based platform capable of integrating sustainability and more construction materials' information in multiple dimensions into the architectural design process.

Cornell AAP - 10-Aspect-of-Sustainability - Research Assistant & Web App Developer 2022

  • Implement an interactive data visualization program written primarily in P5.js, aimed at visualizing multiple buildings' sustainability information on an integrated digital platform.

Cornell CIS - Kirigami Simulator - Research Assistant 2022

  • Programmed an application to simulate Kirigami's folding and unfolding process based on their physical properties.

Sichuan University & Stanford University - Sustainable Urban System Program - Research Assistant 2018

  • Studied 62 Sichuan University buildings' environmental systems, and proposed an intelligent campus energy management concept in short and long-term time periods.


CS 6630 - Realistic Image Synthesis 2022

  • This course and projects within include radiometry, colorimetry, and radiative transfer; formulations of light transport in terms of recursive integrals or integral equations in path space; Monte Carlo methods for computing approximate solutions; and the craft of building fast and usable rendering software.

  • Implemented a volumetric rendering integrator and a wavelength-based reflection dispersion rendering integrator.

CS 5643 - Physically Based Animation 2023

  • This course and projects within include fundamental physically based modeling techniques used in computer graphics for animation of rigid and deformable solids, virtual characters, fluids and gases, and other systems.

CS 4621 - Computer Graphics Practicum 2022

  • This course and projects include hands-on experience in computer graphics programming on modern graphics hardware. This course emphasizes the effective use of graphics APIs and the architecture of graphics applications.

  • Implemented a project that includes a Voxel generator, Flock simulation, Worley Noise Map Generator, and Ray Marching in Unity3D.

CS 5152 - Advanced Topics in Computer Game Architecture - Alphelion Defense 2023

  • This is a project-based course in which students work in a multidisciplinary team to develop a game that incorporates innovative game technology and can be submitted to festivals and competitions, or can be commercialized.

  • I am the design lead and technical artist of the project Aphellion Defense and am in charge of the art style and implementation in the game engine.

CS 4780 - Intro to Machine Learning 2023

  • The course and projects focus on supervised learning and its theoretical foundations. Topics include regularized linear models, boosting, kernels, deep networks, generative models, online learning, and ethical questions arising in ML applications.

INFO 3300 - Human Machine Interaction Studio - Campus Microaggression Visualizer 2022

  • Participated in a campus micro-violence study on the Cornell campus and completed concept generation, competitor analysis, user research, product iteration, and the completed prototyping from Low-Fi to High-Fi within a multi-disciplinary team

CS 50 - Intro to Computer Science 2021

  • This course includes abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, and software engineering. Languages include C, Python, and SQL.

  • In the final project, I implemented a project called global sentiment indicator that collects and analyze text and geological information in tweets from Twitter and built a data visualization web application


  • ZUMTOBEL Group Award Special Prize for Innovation

  • Cornell AAP Graduate Student Scholarship

  • Cornell Council for the Arts Scholarship

  • The Third Prize in Shenzhen Sustainable Architecture Design Competition

  • Honorable Mention in The Provincial College Student Landscape Architecture Design Competition

  • Honorable Mention in Guyu-Cup Architecture Student Design Competition

  • Judges' Award in Guyu-Cup Architecture Student Design Competition 2019


Student Union at Sichuan University - Deputy Minister of Liaison Department 2018

  • Coordinated with various departments on campus and organized the Phoenix Flies Campus Culture and Arts Festival among 34 departments attracting over 3,000 students and faculties participating at Sichuan University